
Articles Concerning The Orthodox Faith in the Modern Era
These articles were written in the 1960's - 1980's, They are controversial, and dated, but they are important from the perspective of understanding why there are so many divisions in the Orthodox Church today. Each article is worth reading with this understanding in mind. Let us not be like the Sanhedron who shut their ears, and stoned the Protomartyr Steven, because of the inconvenient truths he spake.
Dogma of the Church in the Modern World - Bishop Gregory Grabbe
Canonical Position of the Moscow Patriarchate - Bishop Gregory Grabbe
The Touchstone - Dr Alexander Kalomiros
Against False Union - Dr Alexander Kalomiros
Is there Grace in the Moscow Patriarchate - Professor. I. M. Andreev
The First Sorrowful Epistle of St. Philaret (ROCOR)
The Second Sorrowful Epistle of St. Philaret (ROCOR)
The Third Sorrowful Epistle of St. Philaret (ROCOR)
Elder Savva's Letter of Resistance - The Elder Savvas of Kapsala Mount Athos